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The Veteran’s Choice Program, which was implemented four years ago to alleviate some of the patient overload and long wait lists at VA facilities, will end September 30, 2018.

As of August 1, 2018, Health Net Federal Services, who administers the Choice program, is closed. However, funding for veterans is still available.

Currently, and probably for the next several months, veterans will need to call their primary care doctor for appointments. If you don’t have a primary care doctor, call the Office of Community Care at the Sioux Falls VA Medical Center at 1-800-336-3230 extension 9-6647.

If you have previously used the Veterans Choice program, you should be receiving a letter by mail from the VA explaining the procedures.

This procedure will continue into the future. The new Mission Act, which replaces Veterans Choice, has been passed by Congress but now is in the VA “rule writing” phase for the next few months. Following that process there will be a 60 day response period during which time the rules will be reviewed and changes recommended. Following changes, the program should be implemented.

For more information on this topic or any other questions you might have, contact Jerry Seiner, your local Veterans Service Officer. The Charles Mix County Veterans Service Office is located at 400 Main St., Lake Andes, SD. Stop in or give us a call at 605-487-7691 or 605-481-1338.