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COMMUNITY spotlight

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I'm honored to be able to interview Larry Blaha, our 2018 Wagner Labor Day Parade Marshall.

Larry has done so much for this community, far more than most people realize. Larry worked as the City Maintenance Director from 2004-2017, and I can personally attest to the fact that Larry went above and beyond every single day to make this community a better place. Larry did everything from researching grant funding for projects he wanted to complete but that weren’t budgeted for, to working with kids from the school who wanted to do a community service project. When somebody went to Larry with an idea, he found a way to make it happen. And Larry didn’t just put in his time at work and go home – oh no – Larry was involved. His service to the community included 21 years on the fire department, working as an EMT, being a storm watcher, a Boy Scout leader and a PeeWee Baseball coach.

Larry is a special man, and we have been blessed to have him as a fellow Wagner resident all these years.

Before I entertain you with the questions he has chosen to answer, let me give you a little history on our friend, Larry. Larry was born in Wagner to Charles and Mary Blaha. He attended grade school in a country schoolhouse and high school in Marty where he graduated from St. Paul High School. The summer after graduation he married his high school sweetheart, Sharon (Deurmier). They moved to Geneseo, Illinois where Larry work construction for about five years. They moved back to South Dakota where he did carpentry in Armour and manufacturing in Alexandria before settling in Mitchell for nine years. Larry left his job as plant manager in Mitchell in 1983 to move back to Wagner to start L&S Welding. He operated the shop for over 25 years before he closed down and took the job with the City of Wagner.

On July 5th of this year, Larry and Sharon celebrated 50 years of marriage. They have five children, thirteen grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Now.. let’s see what else we can learn from Larry!

1. So.. Larry.. you’ve been chosen as the 2018 Wagner Labor Day Parade Marshall. Tell us a little about what this means to you?

I am very excited and proud to have been chosen to represent Wagner. The town has been a very big part of my life.

Only in Wagner can you be sweeping up after the horses in the parade one year, and the next year leading it as Parade Marshal!

2. What is your favorite part about Wagner? This can be a person, a place, a memory, an event…

There are many good things about Wagner so it’s difficult to pick one thing. I guess working alongside my co-workers at the City to make Wagner a better place to live was one of the things I really enjoyed the most.

3. How did you meet Sharon? Tell us the romantic story that I know it is!

When we were in high school, there was a bonfire at Dante Lake. I saw this little black haired, brown eyed beauty. She was there with someone else but she let me take her home… and still does!

4. Some people are known for something—maybe it’s their famous chili, sarcasm, fashion…What are you known for?

I think it would be my love for the outdoors.

5. If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be?

I would have liked to see my great-grandfather when he came to this country from Czechoslovakia. He donated land over by Tyndall/Tabor that became the town of Blaha.

6. What is your least favorite bill to pay, and why?

Insurance. I don’t like to pay it but it’s just something you need to have.

7. What is a place you’ve never been but have always wanted to go?

I have always wanted to go to Yellowstone. I almost made it last fall but got sick the day before we were supposed to leave.

8. Who is the most entertaining person you know who lives around our area? Why?

Jeff Doom. When working on projects he can really be a big pain in your… neck. But, I wish I had his energy and enthusiasm. He gets things done and done right. I am proud to call him my friend.

9. What is your biggest pet peeve?

Litter bugs – people who throw trash on the ground, especially when there is a trash barrel within 10 feet.

10. What is your favorite way to spend your spare time?

I enjoy hunting, fishing, camping and spending time with my grandkids.

11. What would you say has been your greatest achievement thus far in life?

My five children – Wendie, Chad, Dustin, Danette and Jessica. I am sorry Wagner couldn’t give them the opportunities they needed.

12. Who, besides your parents, have had the biggest impact on your life?

My wife Sharon has had the biggest impact. This year marks fifty years of marriage. We have been through good time and bad times, but she has always stood beside me. She took care of our five children, worked and helped with our business.

Six months ago, we were given our biggest challenge. I was diagnosed with malignant pleural mesothelioma. Sharon has been by my side through everything. I had surgery in Boston in January and spent 28 days in the hospital. Sharon never left my side. She slept in a chair next to my bed. Now, I am going through chemotherapy and praying for the best.

No matter what happens in my life, I know Sharon will be there with me and we will get through it together.

13. What is one piece of life advice you’d leave for our readers?

Be there for your family and they will be there for you.

Larry would like to end this article by letting the community know he will be leaving Wagner to be closer to his children. We are sad to see Larry and Sharon go, but so very grateful for the impact they made while here. Thank you, Larry and Sharon, for all you have done for this hometown of ours!