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PIERRE –The South Dakota Community Foundation (SDCF) presented an $11,200 South Dakota Fund grant to Wagner Area Growth. Funds will provide partial support for Top 20 Training in Wagner which will be free to all Wagner, Marty and Lake Andes community residents.

“We are very grateful to be able to partner with the South Dakota Community Foundation to bring the Top 20 training to our community”, said Linda Foos, Wagner Area Growth Board Member and Wagner Community School Superintendent. “Ongoing Top 20 training has helped Wagner Community School build a positive school culture which is the first step to a successful school. The fact that we are receiving extra dollars to bring the training to the entire community will be extraordinary. We are excited to partner with the community to grow a Top 20 culture.”

The Top 20 training is a social-emotional training that teaches concepts and strategies for individuals to make a difference in the quality of their lives, relationships and experiences. Wagner Area Growth will offer this training in October 2018 in partnership with Wagner Community School and the Yankton Sioux Tribe.

“The South Dakota Community Foundation is proud to partner with Wagner Area Growth as they offer this unique educational opportunity to Wagner and area communities”, said Ginger Niemann, SDCF Senior Program Officer. “Our reactions to events and how we cope with them is of paramount importance as we face day to day challenges.”

The South Dakota Fund is an unrestricted fund that makes grants in support of culture, economic development, education, health and human services. The SDCF awards grants throughout the year to nonprofits that meet vital and diverse needs across the state. Interested applicants can learn more by visiting ts/sd-fund-grants/

About the SDCF

Since 1987, the South Dakota Community Foundation has helped people reach their philanthropic goals and strengthened communities across the state. The SDCF gives its partners enhanced investment opportunities that provide long-term support to charitable causes. In 2017, the SDCF distributed more than $13.5 million in grants from all funds administered. For more information, visit