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The week ahead promises to be interesting and exciting. There is going to be a wedding in Seattle, Washington. Marianne‘s sister, Linda is the Grandmother of the bride and since it is to be a small wedding, we received an invitation asking that only two of our family attend. I was so looking forward to packing for myself, Marianne, and the four grandchildren and flying the red-eye into Seattle. Oh well, that just means we turn to plan B. That is the plan where our daughter, Teresa, flies out of Albuquerque, and meets Marianne in Seattle. Marianne flies from Omaha to who knows where, and eventually gets to Phoenix. From there it is nonstop to Seattle, and I think they actually arrive within about a half hour of each other. That takes care of the two people on the invitation and it also means that I will have to hold down things here at home. I see there is plenty of room in the fridge for some casseroles, baked bean dishes, and of course salads.

Unfortunately they are in the form of zucchini, tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers from Dan‘s garden. Well, that gives me something to take up my time besides golfing at the course here in town.

Can it be called an unusual occurrence if it happens all the time, year after year? I think it can. The occurrence is the celebration of my sister Janet‘s wedding anniversary and mine (and our wonderful spouses, of course). We were married 14 days apart in August of 1965 and according to my Wagner math, that would make it 53 years apiece. Well, we‘ve got kids in their fifties and time keeps marching on so that must be right. We weren‘t able to make it to each other‘s weddings since one was in SD and the other in Idaho but we can celebrate now. We celebrated at Janet‘s house with beer and pizza, and we might just follow the same recipe for our anniversary. Most of you know Karen Peters of Breathe-E-Z. She travels the world bringing good cheer and oxygen to us senior citizens. I think she is planning an end to her career at the end of the year, and a surprise retirement party might just be in the works. Karen works so hard for her company that they will definitely miss her.

Riley came up from Nebraska on Saturday so we went to the rodeo on Saturday night. Riley is 10, and a lot more fun than when he was 1 or 2. He liked everything, but his favorite was the bull riding. This was his first rodeo and he only made 5 trips to the concession stand. After each foray the empty containers had to be taken to the trash cans. You can tell he has a hard time sitting still. He and I also got in a few holes of golf Saturday and Sunday. His favorite thing there was driving the golf cart, but he also did manage to hit quite a few good shots. I tried to coach him a little, and the upshot of that was that it helped me more than him. I needed to correct some bad habits that had slipped into my game. It is hard to believe that even though I‘m creeping up on eighty, my golf game is still a work in progress. Nevertheless, I‘m finally looking forward more than ever to the Tuesday morning confrontation between all of the duffers in town.

We could use a half inch of rain about anytime. That phrase is being spoken cautiously more and more as we approach the midway point of August. We‘re getting enough dew every morning to carry us along, but nothing beats a timely rain in August. I think this is the week we will see increased chances of scattered showers. It will be warm, but nothing unusual for this time of year. I‘m picking Thursday and Saturday as the most likely time for showers.