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This Week in ROTARY NEWS

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President Jerry Weber called the Wagner Rotary Club to order on Wednesday, August 8th. Guests present were Amanda Bechen’s daughter, Alaina, and Roger Wiltz had brought his wife Betsy for the noon meeting.

Rotarian Laurie Kidd offered a prayer of thanksgiving for all our blessings and the courage and knowledge to use our blessings for the good of all. Laurie proceeded to go to the piano and announced that we were going to sing a new Rotary Song “Roll on Rotary” to the tune of “Roll Out the Barrels”. The club members sang with gusto and all were proud of the effort.

Rotarian Dave Isebrands announced that the Membership Minute would include new information on students who are interested in becoming an exchange student to other countries. Wagner has not had an exchange student for several years. The Wagner Rotary belongs to another Rotary District which was formed in about 2005 to help more clubs and more students be involved in the exchange by covering a larger area. Details of becoming a Rotary Exchange Student can be found elsewhere in this issue of the Wagner Post. Please read and cut out!! Wagner Rotary would really like to have an exchange in the coming Rotary year!

Rotarian Patty Frei announced that the Kathe Henke Team had two misses and a total of nine misses and the Bill Frei Team had three misses and a total of 17 misses. $18 was collected for the Queen of Hearts drawing making a total of $823 and Bryan Slaba had the winning ticket. Everyone held their breath as Bryan pulled out one card from the remaining 13 cards. A 2 of Spades. So sorry Bryan!!

President Jerry announced that next week our regular Wednesday meeting will not be held. Instead the Club will be meeting at the WCS for the annual Teacher Reception in the theatre. Please be there by 7:30 and 7:45 at the latest. Help would be appreciated in carrying in the breakfast. On Wednesday, the 15th, instead of our club meeting we will also be serving Root Bear Floats directly in front of the Rotary Building from 5:00 to 7:00 for Crazy Days. A signup sheet was passed around.

Rotarian Laurie announced that on Saturday the 24th of August the United Methodist Church will be having a concert by Chuck Crain from Branson, Missouri at 6:00 followed by a potluck lunch. Admission is Free. Chuck will also be performing on Sunday Morning at 9:00 Worship. Everyone is welcome.

Rachel Woods announced her program guests. They were Ciera Hansen, Coach of the Wagner Community School Cheer Team, and cheer participants Isabella Cournoyer and Megan Merkwan.

You may be familiar with these girls as they were busy raising funds to attend a Cheer Camp in Hawaii. Coach Hansen submitted their names for admission in January of 2018. March of 2018 they were accepted, and the race was on the raise their fees and motel accommodations by May 4th. Coach Hansen sincerely thanked everyone in the Wagner Community for their support. The girls had to raise about $3,700 for each girl.

This summer the girls flew out of Omaha and arrived in Hawaii for the next 8 days. They had a wonderful time and learned many things. It was a camp to learn workouts, routines, and stunting. They had teachers from Penn State and from the U of Hawaii and all the top cheering schools from California and Florida. They also had some recreation each day at the popular tourist sights in Hawaii. Theywereveryimpressedwiththe Pearl Harbor Memorial and had the pleasure of visiting with a survivor. Bella and Megan also had classes to prepare them for college such as leadership skills, coping with cheering and college classes, and college life in general. On their last day the camp participants performed all their newly learned skills at the University of Hawaii.

The club adjourned in its usual fashion by singing “America”