Why does everything happen to me? With Marianne being out in Washington for four days, I was looking forward to some ‘alone’ time with our new computer. I figured that I would resolve some of the mystery surrounding the beeping, buzzing almost lifelike thing sitting on my desk. Instead, the rascal contracted a virus and that was the end of that. I had to be content playing golf and pinochle, and otherwise occupying my time doing useful chores.
Then, as luck would have it, I contracted a virus on the way to church Sunday morning. Well, it wasn’t exactly a virus. It was just a combination of various ills and maladies that I’ve been fighting that pretty much hit me all at the same time. I had shortness of breath, numbness in my toes and fingers, blurred vision, and maybe even halitosis. I made it up the stairs into the church and promptly turned around and headed back home. I guess I’ve had these symptoms for a while, but this is the first time that they all hit me at the same time.
You can ask anybody who knows me and they will tell you I’m not the toughest guy in the world, or even in our house. When I feel poorly, I like to have it checked out so I went out to the hospital. They examined me thoroughly and sent me home, but only after making me promise to return early in the week. Now it’s Monday morning, and I feel pretty good. It looks like Marianne and I will be able to celebrate our 53rd wedding anniversary right on schedule on August 21st. Why do they always say, “The couple request no gifts”. I’ll bet it’s because they are expected to save up so they can give something really nice for our 55th in a couple of years. If you’re a gambling man, that is the way to go, if you ask me. I don’t think I’ll be around for two more years, so you will be off the hook.
One of the reasons that I may not make the next few years is that I have a propensity to fall out of my office chair and on to the floor. What causes that? I just lose consciousness and without warning, I lean out of the chair and lose my balance. The next thing I know, I’m looking up at the ceiling. I’ve been lucky so far in that I’ve avoided the filing cabinets with their sharp corners and other pieces that look nice but are kind of wobbly and heavy. Maybe they make a chair with seatbelts for guys like me.
Marianne is safely home from Washington State where she attended a wedding. Last week I said that the wedding involved Marianne’s grandniece, but for those keeping score, it was really her grandnephew who was the groom. At least she managed to make the outing last for four days. Once in a while I envy the weather and climate the folks on the west coast have, but right now, with the drought and fires, at least large parts of that country are having a tough go. Seattle hasn’t seen rain for 2 months.
We are managing to get our tournaments in out at the golf course. With the rain that we’ve had, it can get wet and muddy in a short time. August will continue to be a little different this year, with the showers continuing and the heat, not so much. Most of the guys are going to Nebraska this week for a casino tournament. They’ll have some stories to tell, and I’ll try to slip some of them into the article.