Marcella Becvar, age 90 of Tyndall, passed away Friday, August 19 at Good Samaritan Society, Tyndall.
Marcella was born Saturday, April9,1932toAlbertGeorgeand Hattie (Hatevig) Anna (Smith) Simek at the hospital in Tyndall. Marcie grew up with on a farm 7 milesnortheastof Tyndall,along with her sisters and brother.
Marcie attended Bon Homme Clear Lake District 18 School and graduated from Tyndall High School in 1950. Her first date was fishing with Joseph Becvar, who she knew from growing up a few miles from each other. That night they traveled to Mitchell’s Corn Palace to hear and dance to Guy Lombardo. Joe and Marcie were married December 16, 1950 at St. Leo Catholic Church in Tyndall. She received her teaching certificate andtaughtelementaryschool while husband Joseph finished his fourth year at Southern State Teacher’sCollege.Thenewlyweds movedtoEugene,Oregonthensettled in Fresno, California. Marcie said her favorite job was being a banktellerbecauseshegottomeet somanyinterestingpeople.Marcie and Joe doted on their only child, son, Marcus Joseph.
Marcielearnedhandiworkfrom hermother,atalentsheenjoyedfor many, many years. Marcie loved to cook and bake, sharing her recipes and food with many. She also loved to read and related back to her childhood when she and her sisters would go to the Tyndall Library on Saturdays to select books for the next week. Marcie’sstrongfaithandtrustin God,carriedthroughoutherlife.
Marcie is survived by son, Marcus; granddaughters, Kylie and Skylar; sister, Patricia Vinzant and a host of nieces and nephews.
She is preceded in death by her husband of 69 years, Joe; siblings, Marie Petrik, Albert Simek and Bonnita Pansegrau.
Goglin Funeral Home, Tyndall,, is honored to serve the family and friends of Marcie Becvar.
Visitation will be held from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. with a 7:00 p.m. wake Friday, August 26 at St. Leo Catholic Church in Tyndall.FuneralMassisat10:30 a.m. Saturday, August 27 at the church. Interment will be at St. Leo Catholic Cemetery.