Weather Watch
Welcome home Marianne and welcome home Philips computer! Who did I miss the most? Well, Marianne was gone for four days and the computer was gone for a couple of weeks, and to be honest, I could have gone another week or two without a computer. The answer then is a no-brainer.
I’ve admitted many times in past articles that I need a boss to keep me focused and to tell me what to do. Happily, Marianne is that boss, and she has been for 53 years. I always thought that this August would be really special and exciting as we approached the anniversary. After all, 53 years is a pretty impressive number. Well, it was pretty impressive until I scanned the social pages of the area newspapers. The month of August some fifty-plus years ago was full of weddings and lots of them lasted a good long time. Still, fifty three is nothing to sneeze at. Where do these old sayings come from? How do you sneeze at something?
I‘ve noticed that those power poles with red paint or a red ribbon around them are gradually being replaced with brand spanking new ones. The one by our house had been marked so long ago that I thought maybe they had forgotten about it, but no! They came rolling up with their equipment and went to work. I thought, “This is going to get interesting”, the reason being was Marianne’s flower bed which had started out ten feet away from the pole, but had gradually expanded till it was just a couple of feet away. There was a good chance that they would ruin most of those flowers if they covered them up with dirt, and the flowers were especially nice this year. Marianne came out and talked with the head honcho for a few minutes. As a result they didn’t drive any equipment through the bed, and when a clod or two of dirt fell on the flowers, they were quick to brush them off and haul the dirt away. As a result, we have our fancy flowers and a beautiful new power pole.
I should touch a little bit more about my trip to the ER on Sunday, the 19th. That was the weekend that Marianne was gone. I made it to church but then had to leave and go home before the service even started. I had most of the symptoms of either a stroke, or heaven forbid, a heart attack., and just like in the movie, I am home alone. I got a hold of Turk at the golf course and he took me to the hospital. I passed all of their tests and a couple of hours later, Bart from the golf course brought me home. I feel better and better with each passing day, and I learned one thing for sure. If you want to keep a secret in a small town, do not confide in Turk and Bart, or even me. We like to share.
The tomatoes and cucumbers have arrived just as promised. When I was a kid, I didn’t much care for cucumbers. Now I just love ‘em, especially in that white sauce with onions. I think the grocery store here in town is selling some locally grown watermelons. The note on the box of melons said one price for all. There was a huge melon toward the bottom that I managed to get out of there and into my cart. (And it turned out to be a good one.)
Who says they don’t like birthdays? Ron Schatz had one last April and finally got around to celebrating it last Saturday night. The celebration led to the reuniting of the Dakota Drover Band. I never heard them in their prime, but the guys sure can harmonize yet today.
Here we are at the end of August, and we could use some rain. Finally something normal in the weather this year. Early in the week, we’ll have a cooling trend, followed by nice temps for the weekend and a pretty fair chance for rain on Friday.