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Birth annoucements
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During our life we often see things that catch our attention and make us want to know more about the things we don’t understand. However, all to often we have intentions to follow up, ask some questions and a find out more about something, but for whatever reason we don’t take the step in that direction.

Every month we see a lot of people showing up in Wagner and go to our armory for Guard drill, but how many of us have actually went and talked to a Guardsman? Have you ever wondered what its like to be a partof somethingliketheGuard or wondered why anyone would join such a thing? Having the Guard in Wagner brings lots of attention to our community and lots of additional business as well. How many of us have ever thought about what having the Guard here does for the community or ever went up to a Guardsman and asked questions or said thanks!

Have you ever wondered if it is true about the Hutterite colony having a fantastic choir? Are those German hymns really are a joy to listen to like people say? Have you ever had the chance to visit with members of the colony or ever asked how they became so good at so many different things?

What about the rumble of those race cars on every friday night? Have you ever wondered about going to the races yourself, but maybe never did? Maybe you have been to the race track, but always wondered what it must be like to be driver in such a face paced sport. Why do so many people drive so far just to come to Wagner to watch or to race? Why would anyone get involved in such an activity and what makes them want to go back for more when it is such an expensive activity to be a part of ? Have you ever wondered about this?

What about those pow wows you hear about in our area? Why are the dance moves so different when you see a dance performed and what is the meaning behind them? Many of the dance costumes look so different, why is that? Why does it still matter to so many Native people to be a part of these things? Have you ever wondered about the songs and what they mean? Have you been to a pow wow recently or is it just a memory of something you did a long time ago? You may have gone to a pow wow yourself and enjoyed the event, but never really understood what you were seeing. Can anyone go to a pow wow is a common question?

Have you ever wondered? This is a question that may be on your mind. If it is, then you can stop wondering, as all of these questions can be answered in one place at one time. Are you wondering where that place is or when this would be possible? The answers are coming up very quickly as the Festival In The Park in Wagner will have all of these different areas covered when you come to the park over the Labor Day weekend. This time, don’t just stand around and wonder about things. Watch, enjoy and most of all ask some questions and get some answers and stop wondering.