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Greer Post #11 American Legion held its monthly meeting August 16 at the Post Home. Commander Robert Kucera called the members to attention. Chaplain Donald Kotab gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion was recited by all members.

Guests were Taylor Eitemiller and Carolyn Blaha. They each will receive a $500 Scholarship and reported where they are going to college. Other guests were baseball coach Lynn Soukup, who reported on the baseball team's season which was 3 and 10. Coach Soukup introduced the players present: Preston Nedved, Alex Sully, Amelio Cournoyer, Bryson Zephier, Devon Medricky and Nathan Kucera, and the positions they played. We appreciate Lynn and Drue Soukup for coaching and the players for a good season.

Adjutant Clayton Rados read the minutes of the July 19 meeting, which were approved as read.

The cooks for the evening were given a nice round of applause for the excellent supper that was served.

Committee reports were given as follows:

Treasurer Dan Gruenwald distributed a financial report for the month of July to all members, which was approved as given. Americanism: Don Kotab reported scholarship winners will be paid in their second semester of college. Baseball: Jerry Seiner reported next year the baseball team might be Junior Legion ages 16 and 17 years old.

Mary Chrans and the Corey Family will have Bingo in the Legion Hall all three days over Labor Day Weekend.

Service Officer: Merle Stone reported several get well and sympathy cards have been sent out during the month.

Legion Riders: David Isebrands reported the Legion Riders will leave Wagner at 11 a.m., on Sunday and go to Geddes and Platte and back to Wagner. They will travel about 165 miles. They will eat at Legion Hall when returning. Several Legion Riders will ride in Wagner's Labor Day Parade on Monday.

Greg Mathis has food ordered for Labor Day lunch stand.

A motion was made to give $500 to the new East River State Cemetery in Sioux Falls, which is being established. All approved.

Legion has gone to a new pest controller, Brecke Pest Control.

Jay Youngbluth needs help August 20 at 7 p.m., to help decorate a trailer for Labor Day to help transport dignitary's in the Labor Day Parade.

Modern Woodman will give the Legion $500 for doing a community project.

Need volunteers to help clean Legion kitchen on September 11 at 1:30 p.m.

American Legions 100 year birthday cake float is coming to be in the Labor Day Parade.

Jerry Seiner reported Veteran's Choice Program. You have to call doctor at the VA to get qualified. In time Mission Act will replace the Veteran's Choice Program. Jerry also has some Korean Reborn Books to give away.

Need a lot of volunteers Friday, August 31 to help put up the Labor Day stand at 4:30 p.m.

Chaplain Don Kotab gave the final prayer and the meeting was adjourned in due form.