The Wagner Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting at Juffer Inc. last Thursday to celebrate their move to a new location.
Read moreBROOKINGS, S.D. - The statewide South Dakota Humanities Council has awarded more than $400,000 to cultural organizations struggling to maintain operations during the coronavirus pandemic.
Read moreLifeServe Blood Center is the SOLE supplier of blood and blood products to over 120 hospitals in South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska.
Read moreI was very young when my grandfather suffered his first stroke and began his battle with vascular dementia. I grew up understanding that he was not like the other adults in my life.
Read moreThe library has great news to share with our patrons. The library has been granted two CARES grants. One of the grants is from the South Dakota State Library to purchase an online catalog for the library.
Read morePresident Bryan Slaba welcomed everyone to the October 28th meeting of the Wagner Rotary Club. It was a special meeting for all members as our District 5610 Governor was visiting us.
Read more“Grateful - feeling or showing an appreciation or kindness; thankful.” Yes, Grateful, that is the one word that can describe the Wagner Raider Oral Interp students this 2020 Oral Interp Season. We, as a team, are grateful in so many ways.
Read moreThe city library will be open November 11th. We will honor our veterans by having books honoring our veterans on display for check out during the days prior to and after the 11th.
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